Wacky Races (Hanna-Barbera)
Dress up as Penelope Pitstop
Penelope Pitstop was my favorite Wacky Races character – probably because she was the only female racer too! Although Muttley’s infectious laugh was an extremely close second hehe. Go all out pink and girly when you dress up as Penelope. A cute couple idea would be to dress up as Penelope and Peter Perfect. Cause I mean they’re so perfect for each other that their name initials are even the same!
Long Blonde Wig
First you need a long blonde hair, tied in a ponytail so it doesn’t get in the way of your super speedy driving |
Pink Half Helmet
Now, get yourself a pink helmet. I would suggest an open face or half helmet like the one Penelope Pitstop appears to be wearing, and it should be more lightweight than your typical chunky motorcycle helmet. I really like this piece because it’s as vintage as the movie is, and it has those goggles on top just like Penelope’s does. |
Pink Batter’s Helmet
Here’s another option which I really like. Notice how Penelope’s helmet has a visor to it? A T-Ball helmet like this one ought to do the trick for that look, and the helmet goes down on the sides just like the one on Penelope |
Cat Eye Goggles
Once you wear your Pink T-Ball Helmet, place these white cat’s eye goggles on top of the helmet, the same way Penelope does it. I love how these goggles have a beautiful feminine shape that resembles the one worn by the wacky racer herself |
Fuschia Collared Shirt
Now, wear a fuschia-colored shirt with a collar. I like this one, because the collar is very pronounced and it has a nice feminine deep V-cut that should add an extra touch to your costume. Pull the collar up a bit like Penelope |
Long Pink Gloves
Now for some long pink gloves which you will wear over the shirt. I like these imitation leather ones because they have a loose end which will help you fit it over the shirt easily. I also imagine that leather gloves would work perfectly with a racing attire. |
Skater Skirt
A skater skirt will give it that nice volume and is trendy enough to wear again on a night out |
Pink Leggings
Are your eyes hurting already from all that pink? Well we’re not yet quite done with the color! Dress up in a pair of tight pink leggings |
White Boots
Finally, a pair of white boots with heels for that funky look! Beats me how comfy Penelope must really be while she’s racing. Well, at least she’s fashionable doing it! |
Other Wacky Races Characters
Click on the other wacky racers below to view their costume guides: