Mr. Robot (TV Show)
Dress up as Mr. Robot (Christian Slater)
The anarchist mastermind of fSociety who recruits Elliot Alderson happens to be Elliot’s father… or is he really? I love his layered look
Mr. Robot Iron On Patch
I was so happy when I saw they made a badge replica of Mr. Robot’s Computer Repair with a Smile! Easily iron on to a casual jacket |
Red Plaid Jacket
You should already look pretty recognizable with the costume pieces above, but if you’re all for detail, then wear a red plaid shirt underneath the jacket |
Resurrection Book by Leo Tolstoy
Now for a smart addition to your costume: Bring the Resurrection book by Leo Tolstoy. Christian Slater is holding the first US edition, which unfortunately is not being sold on Amazon. But the good news is I did see one with the exact same cover design! The color of the product photo is not as yellow but it is a great enough match. |