Rice Krispies Costumes – Snap, Crackle, and Pop


Rice Krispies - Snap, Crackle, and Pop
A goofy labeled hat, elvish ears, and some other basic things, and you’re good to go as the Rice Krispies trio – Snap, Crackle, and Pop. Guys and girls alike can wear this delicious group costume!

Table of Contents:

Dress up as Snap

The Chef. Snap’s basic costume is patterned after a chef so it’s pretty easy to look for all the elements you need. For the footwear: try wearing yellow chef shoes.

Snap Rice Krispies Mascot Costume

Adult Size Adjustable Chef Hat
Don’t forget to write SNAP on your hat with the fabric markers below!

Crayola 10-Pack Fabric Markers
Write “SNAP” on your chef’s hat

Elf Ears
Each of the Krispies trio has a distinct set of elf ears!

Augusta-Cotton Bandana~Red
Tie around your neck, cowboy style

Yellow Work Shirt
Snap actually wears a yellow chef uniform jacket. Unfortunately, there is no chef uniform jacket in that bright shade (they seriously should have one online soon!) An alternative is this yellow work shirt or the yellow apron below

Yellow Apron with Fixed Neck, 28-Inch X 33-Inch
The picture shows a yellow jacket / chef coat, but you can improvise with a yellow apron instead as it still ties well with the chef personality of Snap. This can be used for men and women!

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Dress up as Crackle

The one with the Crazy Hat. The most distinctive aspect of Crackle’s costume is his floppy red and white striped hat, which reminds me of a Christmas Elf! He wears red/white sneakers, to tie with the motif of his hat. He has blonde hair.

Crackle Costume - Rice Krispies Mascot

17″ Red and White Striped Christmas Elf Hat with Ears – Adult Size
Crackle has elf ears too and a Christmas-y hat. Idea: recycle this hat for a Christmas-themed costume event!

Crayola 10-Pack Fabric Markers
Write “CRACKLE” on your elf hat!

White Cotton Handkerchief, Plain
Should be tied on the neck like a bowtie

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Dress up as Pop

The basic look of Pop is based on a marching band member. He wears a red marching band military-like jacket, a marching band hat, and boots. His hair is brown. Pop reminds me of a Nut Cracker (sans the strange nut-cracking mouth of course)

Pop Costume - Rice Krispies Mascot

Toy Soldier Hat
The height of this hat matches the height of Pop’s hat! Use the black felt letters below to attach “Pop” on the hat. You can opt to take off the black feather.

Stick It Felt 2-Inch Letters
Use this to stick “POP” on your hat – be sure to confirm there are two letter P’s in your order

Elf Ears
Don’t forget the elven ears!

America Adult Toy Soldier, Multi-Colored
You can replace the bottom with just plain blue shorts

Toy Soldier Costume for Females
You can replace the bottom with just plain shorts or capris

Adult Michael Jackson Red Military Jacket
Another idea: buy a military jacket then pair it with a pair of blue pants. I saw this great military jacket that would accomplish that look. This is a costume based on Michael Jackson. The King of Pop for a Pop costume, is that mere coincidence? ;)

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The Evolution of Snap, Crackle, and Pop

The Three Krisp-eteers over the Years

In the 1930s the mascots looked more elfish, with exaggerated noses:

1930 Pop doesn’t have much of a marching band / military look yet:

1960 The 1960s version is very cute, even by today’s standards:

Their outfits begin to look more like the modern-day mascots

Shortly before the current modern, refined look:
before modern krispies mascots

prior-to-modern.jpg This was the look prior to the modern one, as you can see it looks pretty much like the current one as well

Other Costume Ideas from Food


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