Joey McDonald Costume
Dress up as the timid sidekick of Dennis. Best friends can go as Dennis + Joey (I hope you guys don’t end up arguing about who the sidekick is between the two of you!)
Dress up as the timid sidekick of Dennis. Best friends can go as Dennis + Joey (I hope you guys don’t end up arguing about who the sidekick is between the two of you!)
Dress up as the cool girl, Gina Gillotti, the girl of Dennis’ dreams. Cute couple costume idea: Go as Gina and Dennis!
Dress up as the mischievous Dennis the Menace. Couples or best friends can go as Dennis and Gina. BFFs can also go as Dennis and sidekick, Joey McDonald
This ginger has very distinct features and is also memorable for getting on Dennis’ nerves all the time!
Create a realistic, gruesome bloody wound through this tutorial from Sailor.Strawberry! Perfect accompaniment to your Halloween costume
Anybody from the 80s will remember John Cusack as Lloyd Dobler, and the infamous boom box scene – so infamous that it was mentioned and recreated in the recent movie, Easy A. Couples can dress up as Lloyd and Diane
Whether you’re a fan of the Saturday Night Live skit, the movie, or of Will Ferrell, Superstar is sure to be a hilarious couple costume idea
Dress up as the hilarous wannabee superheroes – Mr. Furious, the ticking time bomb of fury, The mysteriously eery Bowler, The Shoveler, The Blue Raja (with accent), Invisible Boy, Spleen, etc. Hey now, you’re an all-star!
Beware the fork-slinging mama’s boy. He’ll attack you with silverware… or charm you with his faux accent